In the Beginning, COMPUCHILD was founded to meet a specific need…to get kids prepared for success at school. Upon entering elementary school, kids started using computers at school. Our founder realized that preschoolers were at a considerable advantage if they started working on computers prior to heading off to elementary school. Most families did not have computers at home and most child care centers and preschools did not have computers for their kids to use. Our basic computer classes were perfect to meet the needs of thousands of kids. We provided students with an easy affordable way to learn about computer basics in a setting convenient to parents.
Over time, the world of technology expanded beyond computers and so did COMPUCHILD. In 2008, we began introducing new technologies beyond the computer. Our tagline changed from Kids Computer Classes to Technology Education. Our world of technology expanded to include devices like digital microscopes, laptops, digital cameras and tablets. In 2010, we began working with LEGO® Education and introduced robotics and programming to our students. Opportunities to work with older students in after school programs also grew and COMPUCHILD stepped in to fill a niche.
Only in the past several years has the term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) become common place. Since inception, COMPUCHILD has provided a quality STEM enrichment opportunity. While our focus was technology, we have always incorporated the other STEM disciplines into our classes as well as early literacy and art.
Today, we no longer focus only on preschool age children. We work with many school age kids in after school programs, summer camps or within their schools as an outsourced resource.
More families have computers, but we still find that many basic computer skills are still not being taught to kids in their home or at school. Therefore, we remain committed to our computer roots. COMPUCHILD students continue to learn about computer terminology, proper use and care, keyboarding, mouse skills, etc. Our curriculum also covers the STEM disciplines plus Art, which is why we use the term STEAM. While the term STEAM is not as familiar as STEM, it is the latest emphasis within the education community. While we have always been a STEAM enrichment program with an emphasis on “T”, we are broadening our curriculum to accommodate the diverse needs of our students, schools, child care centers and after school programs.
We welcome the opportunity to serve you