COMPUCHILD’s STEAM education franchise focuses on kindling the spirit of inquiry in young children by merging STEM concepts with arts. Over decades, we’ve formulated courses that focus on the hands-on approach to learning complex ideas and applying them to solve real-world problems.
Our after school enrichment programs have surpassed the pedagogical expectations of parents and have won us the title of “Best Low-Cost Franchise to Buy” in the Franchise Business Review Of 2020. Here’s how we get preschoolers to love STEAM.
1.A Hands-On and Inquiry-Based Approach
Our enrichment programs are rooted in a sheer sense of inquiry and discovery. We believe in holistic learning—combining math, writing, art, and movement. We also think that a hands-on learning approach is the best way to teach life-long valuable skills to children. That’s why all of our programs are project-based that help students collaborate and innovate.
Hands-on pedagogical methods are well suited to scientific education as they helps students put their theoretical learning into perspective.
2.Start Them Young
The reaction of a 4-year-old and an 11-year-old when they see a colorful gecko would be different. While the former would be fascinated by the colors, the latter would be scared of it. That’s the power of starting early. Introducing preschoolers to coding, computational learning, and robots can help develop a passion for science from a young age.
For instance, if you show a robot to a preschooler, their eyes will light up with curiosity, and they would want to play with it. Their curiosity will force them to listen to instructions about how they’re made.
You can start teaching them simple commands and introduce the idea of coding by telling them how robots surround us in our daily lives through various robotics for youth programs
3.Encourage Collaboration
COMPUCHILD’s after-school technology classes for kids foster a spirit of collaboration among children. We want to ensure that our students get the emotional and social benefit of working and presenting in small groups.
Our Pre-Programming Logic and Lego Robotics programs help students divide the work among themselves. Besides helping preschoolers fine-tune their motor skills, these programs can help children understand how science and art work together.
One of the Best Children’s Education Franchise Opportunities
Are you looking for a lucrative business opportunity? COMPUCHILD brings you a prospect to own and run a STEAM education franchise in the US and Canada for under $30k.
COMPUCHILD is one of the least expensive after-school enrichment program franchises, and we’ve bagged several accolades through the years. Get in touch to start a low cost high profit franchise.