Author name: compuchild

CompuChild wins at the Math Olympiads, MOEMS

Why Participating in Math Olympiads is a Great Way to Inculcate Problem-Solving Skills Among Children

Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS) started back in 1977 thanks to Dr. George Lenchner, who wanted to make kids all over the world awesome at math. They split kids into two groups: elementary (grades 4 to 6) and middle school (grades 6 to 8). Every month from November to March, kids get …

Why Participating in Math Olympiads is a Great Way to Inculcate Problem-Solving Skills Among Children Read More »

Futuristic product design for STEM focus education help.

How Children Can Use AI for Personal Growth and Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as the most revolutionary innovation that is changing the world of STEM and entrepreneurship exponentially. This innovative technology is creating better opportunities in education every day. If use wisely, this technology can present huge opportunities in children’s education. With AI, children can explore STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), STEAM …

How Children Can Use AI for Personal Growth and Education Read More »

a smartphone with the Shopify “Start Your Business” page open on the screen

5 Noteworthy Characteristics of Entrepreneurs Who Created Outstanding Businesses (A Guide for Children)

At COMPUCHILD, we believe that strong entrepreneurial skills can help children become confident, capable, and successful learners. When students think outside the box and push conventionalism to the side, they pave the way for inventive, innovative, entrepreneurial, and revolutionary ideas that can change society for the better. In this blog, we’ll offer a closer look at …

5 Noteworthy Characteristics of Entrepreneurs Who Created Outstanding Businesses (A Guide for Children) Read More »

Is Video-Assisted Learning the Future of Education?

Is Video-Assisted Learning the Future of Education?

The average child’s attention span is decreasing each year. According to CNLD, 2-year-olds have an attention span of 4–6 minutes. This increases to 6–8 minutes among 3-year-olds and 8–12 minutes among 4-year-olds. The gist of the study is that it’s becoming increasingly difficult for teachers, educators, tutors, and parents to capture and consistently hold children’s …

Is Video-Assisted Learning the Future of Education? Read More »

How to Help Students Become Financially Aware in 2023

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, raising financially aware children has become more important than ever. The pandemic weakened financial stability and security across the globe. Millions of people lost their jobs, which resulted in familial financial strain for months and years. While parents struggled, children also watched their families navigate the precarious financial landscape. The pandemic …

How to Help Students Become Financially Aware in 2023 Read More »


Unpacking the Criticality of Interactive Learning in 2023

In 2023, educators and parents are pushing for a higher degree of interactivity in the classroom. When students actively engage with their teachers and peers, they absorb and retain more knowledge. Learning outcomes are significantly improved. Moreover, students reap the benefits of an enjoyable, enriching, productive, and social learning experience. The risk of classroom boredom …

Unpacking the Criticality of Interactive Learning in 2023 Read More »

After-School Enrichment Programs for Kids: Why Are They So Important?

After-school enrichment programs refer to after-school learning activities offered in a safe and structured manner. They offer several benefits to students, helping them learn and improve skills that they typically don’t learn in a regular classroom, become more proactive, and connect with like-minded individuals with similar interests and experiences. They may take various forms, such …

After-School Enrichment Programs for Kids: Why Are They So Important? Read More »

Why Should Kids Learn Coding & How Can Enrichment Programs Help?

Thirty years ago, the idea of children learning to code would have sounded strange. In 2022, it’s a reality, thanks to STEM education franchises like the one offered by CompuChild that provides enrichment programs for kids. In its simplest form, coding is a method of communicating with a computer. It allows you to learn a …

Why Should Kids Learn Coding & How Can Enrichment Programs Help? Read More »

Unpacking the Importance of Entrepreneurship for Kids

While most of us picture startup owners and suited businessmen when we think of entrepreneurship, there’s no reason why entrepreneurial learning can’t or shouldn’t start much earlier. Organizations and individuals worldwide have recognized the need to develop an entrepreneurial spirit among kids. Entrepreneurial learning is considered a valuable asset, helping young minds learn how to …

Unpacking the Importance of Entrepreneurship for Kids Read More »

Fostering Independence in Kids: How Entrepreneurship Focused After-School Programs Help

Child specialists and researchers have long stressed the importance of encouraging independence in young children. Kids who learn how to think and act independently at an early age tend to develop a greater sense of autonomy and self-resilience, enhanced social skills, and better critical thinking skills. Child specialists and researchers have long stressed the importance …

Fostering Independence in Kids: How Entrepreneurship Focused After-School Programs Help Read More »


Importance of Robotics in STEAM Education for Multisensory Learning for Your Child

Robotics and AI are becoming buzz words in our tech-driven world, but our understanding of these is very limited. We link robotics to self-driven cars and chatbots. While these inventions are important in our lives, the benefits robotics have to offer in bringing the new era of STEAM education can outweigh them. Multisensory Learning for …

Importance of Robotics in STEAM Education for Multisensory Learning for Your Child Read More »


3 Things to Consider When Purchasing a Franchise During COVID-19

Starting a business has never been as fraught with risks and peril as much as it’s now due to the uncertain economic conditions of the pandemic. However, multiunit franchisees are aware that franchising an after-school STEAM franchise, like COMPCUHILD, provides built-in security. That’s because we’ve done most of the legwork in implementing the systems and …

3 Things to Consider When Purchasing a Franchise During COVID-19 Read More »


How to Get Preschoolers to Love STEAM?

COMPUCHILD’s STEAM education franchise focuses on kindling the spirit of inquiry in young children by merging STEM concepts with arts. Over decades, we’ve formulated courses that focus on the hands-on approach to learning complex ideas and applying them to solve real-world problems. Our after school enrichment programs have surpassed the pedagogical expectations of parents and …

How to Get Preschoolers to Love STEAM? Read More »


3 Exercises to Increase Engagement in the Classroom

Hindered by fluctuating schedules, video screens, and ever-changing COVID-19 regulations, teachers are struggling to keep up with their students and increasing classroom engagement. While introductory activities are usually conducted at the beginning of the year, they should be carried out around the year for better classroom engagement prospects. Whether the students love to play frisbee, …

3 Exercises to Increase Engagement in the Classroom Read More »


Reasons for Lack of Concentration and Focus Among Schoolchildren

“My son/daughter isn’t paying attention in class” is a common enough complaint—one that educationists and teachers hear all the time. An attention deficit, a lack of focus, and slow work completion are all issues that commonly plague kids—and bother their parents. It doesn’t matter how many schools you change. Finding a solution to the problem …

Reasons for Lack of Concentration and Focus Among Schoolchildren Read More »


Nurture Critical Thinking Through DIY Games

In today’s technologically advanced and rapidly changing world, children should be equipped to absorb data and use critical thinking skills to compare, contrast, analyze, and solve complex problems. While innovative STEM classes for kids can play a significant role in doing that, parents should use different ways to nurture their kids’ critical thinking skills. This …

Nurture Critical Thinking Through DIY Games Read More »


Top 3 Reasons to Provide Robotics Education for Your Child

Technological developments are emerging at an exponential rate in the modern world. Every time we scroll through our social media feeds or have a look at the news, there is something about a latest technological advancement related to new electronic and smart devices being developed or introduced to the public. In today’s technology-driven world, teaching …

Top 3 Reasons to Provide Robotics Education for Your Child Read More »


How a STEM Education Franchise Can Add Significant Value to Communities

Given the current lack of STEM-focused initiatives in early school education systems and the growing need for technology and entrepreneurial skills in the modern workforce, it is important to find ways to fill these gaps. Supporting or owning an after-school enrichment STEM franchise can significantly help complement the traditional educational landscape. Franchisees can offer these …

How a STEM Education Franchise Can Add Significant Value to Communities Read More »


Family Technology Rules: Kid’s Expectations for Parents

Do you have technology rules for your kids? Chances are you do. Most families have rules like ‘don’t text and drive’ or ‘no device at the dinner table’ A small study conducted by the University of Michigan and University of Washington, studied 249 parent-child pairs across 40 states. Their paper was presented March 2 at …

Family Technology Rules: Kid’s Expectations for Parents Read More »

Family Technology Rules: Kid’s Expectations for Parents

Do you have technology rules for your kids? Chances are you do. Most families have rules like ‘don’t text and drive’ or ‘no device at the dinner table’ A small study conducted by the University of Michigan and University of Washington, studied 249 parent-child pairs across 40 states. Their paper was presented March 2 at …

Family Technology Rules: Kid’s Expectations for Parents Read More »


The Evolution of COMPUCHILD

In the Beginning, COMPUCHILD was founded to meet a specific need…to get kids prepared for success at school. Upon entering elementary school, kids started using computers at school. Our founder realized that preschoolers were at a considerable advantage if they started working on computers prior to heading off to elementary school. Most families did not …

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3 Science Experiments for Inquisitive Young Kids

Studies have shown that what children learn at home has a greater impact on their intellectual abilities and stays with them for longer than what they learn at school and other educational institutions. Even though children are unable to go to school due to the pandemic, there intellectual growth and learning shouldn’t stop. Focusing on …

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How Programming Robots in STEM Programs is Helping Prepare Kids for the Future

We have a gnarly understanding of robots—mostly thanks to Hollywood. From Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey to Jonathan Nolan’s Westworld, people have been conditioned to think that robots are necessarily evil. Then there’s Stephen Hawking warning us against the advent of Artificial Intelligence. Between all of these negative reinforcements, parents are forced to consider …

How Programming Robots in STEM Programs is Helping Prepare Kids for the Future Read More »


3 Exercises to Increase Engagement in the Classroom

Hindered by fluctuating schedules, video screens, and ever-changing COVID-19 regulations, teachers are struggling to keep up with their students and increasing classroom engagement. While introductory activities are usually conducted at the beginning of the year, they should be carried out around the year for better classroom engagement prospects. Whether the students love to play frisbee, …

3 Exercises to Increase Engagement in the Classroom Read More »


The Importance of Entrepreneurial Education for Children

Inculcating an understanding of entrepreneurship and incorporating it into the school curriculum is crucial in teaching children essential soft skills. This includes communication, calculation, and creativity. The earlier they get this exposure, the quicker they can succeed. After school entrepreneurship classes for kids can help develop confidence so that children can communicate and discuss their …

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The Importance of Entrepreneurial Education for Children

Inculcating an understanding of entrepreneurship and incorporating it into the school curriculum is crucial in teaching children essential soft skills. This includes communication, calculation, and creativity. The earlier they get this exposure, the quicker they can succeed. After school entrepreneurship classes for kids can help develop confidence so that children can communicate and discuss their …

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5 Tips to Help Your Child Build Their Focus Skills_png_85

5 Tips to Help Your Child Build Their Focus Skills

One of the biggest issues faced by school-going children is the inability to concentrate. The inability to focus on schoolwork and pay attention in class is becoming prevalent among young children. It has left their parents wondering what’s causing it and how they can fix it. Common signs of concentration issues include low grades, disruptive …

5 Tips to Help Your Child Build Their Focus Skills Read More »


How STEM Education Needs to be Linked to Practical Applications

STEM education is fast gaining momentum. However, there’s a growing need to focus on STEM applications and education to ensure smooth integration of knowledge. Let’s take a look at why and how STEM education can be linked to practical applications. Why Applied STEM Matters Remember finding a lesson or subject you studied in school particularly …

How STEM Education Needs to be Linked to Practical Applications Read More »


Why Should You Teach Your Child Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship has been in the black and white realm of business for a while now, but with the recent interest in millennials entering the workforce, it is becoming more and more relevant. Consider teaching your child entrepreneurship — they can teach themselves how to start a successful company or be creative about their ideas instead …

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5 Benefits of STEM and STEAM Education

STEM and STEAM education is a growing trend that’s sweeping the nation. It’s also a movement that higher ed insiders believe is one of the most important and transformative developments in education today. STEM and STEAM education not only teaches skills; it stimulates creativity, fosters critical thinking, and encourages curiosity. STEM vs STEAM STEM is …

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Part-Time Business Ideas for Teachers Looking for Growth

As hard as teachers work, they remain one of the most underpaid professions in the world. It’s no wonder so many teachers are seeking other avenues for generating income and searching for growth. Here are part-time business ideas for teachers looking to build an additional stream of money into their lives. 1) Writing Services The …

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Benefits of Using Programming Robots When Teaching Children

Programming is the wave of the future. So why not utilize this time to teach your kids about coding, programming, and entrepreneurship? Due to rapid technological advancements, it has become essential for children to learn AI-driven subjects. While basic science, math, and language lessons hold their value, becoming tech-savvy is another crucial element for kids …

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Reasons Why You Should Teach Your Children How to Do Business

While many parents think the elementary or middle school age is too early to educate kids about running a business, we think otherwise. Doing a business is not just about making money. It’s a complete process from planning and classifying earnings. Teachings kids about entrepreneurship at a young age can build their critical thinking and …

Reasons Why You Should Teach Your Children How to Do Business Read More »

3 Ways to Help Students Focus on Learning and Not Grades

The results are in. A student anxiously flips through the last page of the essay to see their grade instead of reading the comments on the writing. Parents happily text and emails their children congratulating them on the grades they received rather than the academic growth they experienced. Do these scenarios sound familiar? That’s because …

3 Ways to Help Students Focus on Learning and Not Grades Read More »


How to Make Interdisciplinary Learning a Reality

Interdisciplinary learning refers to drawing knowledge from two or more disciplines and blending it for a holistic learning experience that focuses on critical thinking, integrative learning, and problem-solving. All of COMPUCHILD’s enrichment programs for children focus on an interdisciplinary education so that children can be all-rounders in life. Here’s how you can incorporate interdisciplinary learning …

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How Can Arts Encourage a Sense of Community?

Teachers of the arts face challenges due to lack of budgets and preferential treatment given to sciences. Since education has gone remote, art teachers face challenges to increase the spirit of connection and caring. While they have appropriate skills to form meaningful connections with their students online, they can help create a sense of community …

How Can Arts Encourage a Sense of Community? Read More »


Let Your Kids Unravel the Endless Possibilities in Robotics

Robotics education is increasingly getting integrated into schools. It’s mainly because K12 school students will graduate when the workforce is thriving on the technological front – an era when robots will be used widely for different purposes. It doesn’t matter if these children choose a career in robotics and coding or not. Learning about robots …

Let Your Kids Unravel the Endless Possibilities in Robotics Read More »


Boosting The Emotional Vocabulary of a Preschooler

Most of the time, preschoolers lack the words to describe their feelings. It takes some time for a child to develop introspection. Introspection, also known as the eighth sense, can help children understand and feel what’s going on inside their bodies. Noticing the feelings and then expressing them through vocabulary is an exercise that can …

Boosting The Emotional Vocabulary of a Preschooler Read More »


Benefits of After-School Enrichment Programs

Research shows that school children spend around 80% of their waking hours outside the school, and one in every five children spends most of the day after school alone. Therefore, after school program franchise can foster youth development and help children explore their potential. After-school programs offer a conducive learning setting for kids to support …

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Working on Math Problems to Improve a Child’s Critical Thinking Skills

A well-formulated word problem gives elementary school students a measurable context to understand mathematical concepts. We need to realize that it’s essential for students to access the content of the problem, and for that, it must be culturally appropriate. Providing students with proper context is vital for them to understand abstract mathematical concepts. COMPUCHILD’s after …

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3 Ways You Can Introduce Robotics to Students

Robotics and automation are ubiquitous. They enable us to perform simple to complex tasks, from automatically turning on the lights to accelerating the factory’s production line. Their widespread uses and seamless integration in our lives have made them an industry of their own. Realizing the potential of robotics to help children gain an edge in …

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How to Raise Entrepreneurial Kids

Being entrepreneurial refers to being positive, confident, resourceful, creative, and resilient. An individual with entrepreneurial attributes can work out a solution to any problem they face. Do you want your kid to be confident, influential, and successful? Raise them with an entrepreneurial mindset through COMPUCHILD’s Entrepreneurial STEM enrichment programs. Nurture the Mindset An entrepreneurial mindset …

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3 Things Robotics Programs Can Teach Children

The changing landscape of science and technology in the modern world has exposed us to several innovative, efficient, and cutting-edge discoveries. And robots are the most interesting of them all! The field of robotics encompasses several concepts like design, production, creation, and operation. As much as robots intrigue us, young minds find it more fascinating. …

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3 Multisensory Activities That Combine Learning with Play

Children develop motor skills from the age of 3 till 5. These skills comprise coordination, balance, reaction time, body awareness, and physical strength. Children learn to fine-tune these motor skills to be able to carry out intricate tasks like writing letters, cutting shapes, and making straight lines between the ages of 5 and 7. Sensory …

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From Static Electricity to Circuits: Children’s Inquiry into the Realm of Electricity

Kids are intrigued by the concept of electricity, creating a spark, or lighting up a small bulb. Teaching them about electric circuits, sockets, and wires is an enjoyable and rewarding activity. It allows them to develop a good foundation for courses in the field of science. In this blog, we’re sharing some useful tips and …

From Static Electricity to Circuits: Children’s Inquiry into the Realm of Electricity Read More »


6 Tips Children Can Use to Create Great Digital Content

Stories have a transformative power to bring people together and garner empathy. Digital storytelling encourages children to become content creators rather than passive consumers. It allows them to weave text, images, and music to create content that can resonate with many. If your kid is interested in digital storytelling, here are 6 tips to get …

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A Skill That Matters: 3 Ways to Teach Storytelling to Your Child

During these trying times of isolation and separation because of the coronavirus, everyone — especially children — need to connect with the community, build relationships, and cultivate a sense of self. As parents, you can restore your child’s sense of belonging and self through multivariate storytelling activities. Storytelling is taking over the world. From advertisements …

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Playfulness, Imagination, and Creativity: Importance of Creative Expression Among Children

When we think about creative expression, most of us think about the outcome — an attention-grabbing story, a beautiful song, or a picturesque painting. But the creative expression isn’t just about the product. Its process is doubly important. COMPUCHILD kid’s education franchise believes that creativity is a journey to foster originality, imagination, productivity, and problem-solving …

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Benefits of Animation on Your Child’s Brain

A lot has been written about how visual communication tends to be more effective than the text based communication. The appetite for consuming information through video-based content has been growing exponentially. As a result, there has been significant emphasis on animation, which has now become a vehicle to foster learning and plays a significant role …

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Strategies and Smiles — Benefits of Playing Board Games During the Holidays

At COMPUCHILD, we believe that STEAM and entrepreneurship education programs is vital to teaching modern technical skills. However, we also understand that unplugging is essential. How do you ensure that your children are learning offline? Play board games with them! Board games offer a plethora of benefits. They enable you to have conversations with your …

Strategies and Smiles — Benefits of Playing Board Games During the Holidays Read More »


5 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Communication Skills

Communication skills are vital for children to succeed in life. It isn’t limited to the ability to talk. Instead, communication also involves listening, writing, and interpreting verbal and non-verbal cues. While excellent communication skills come naturally to some children, many children struggle to make themselves understood. Here are 5 ways you can polish your child’s …

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Spelling the T in STEAM: How is Technology Changing the Communication Landscape

STEM education has led engineers, inventors, and tech experts to transform the face of collaboration and communication. Over the last few years, technology has seen unprecedented growth as breakthroughs have continued at an exponential pace. When contemporary communication and technology come together, innovation blossoms and this hasn’t only happened inside elite institutions, but inside homes, …

Spelling the T in STEAM: How is Technology Changing the Communication Landscape Read More »


Inclusion and Equality Through STEAM Programs for Kids

When it comes to digital literacy, schools with higher budgets can provide better facilities to their students, leaving low-income schools behind. The inclusion and digital equality issue must be dealt with an open mind because it has a relation with STEAM classes for kids. While many of the STEAM-based lessons can be delivered to students …

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4 Advantages of Exposing Your Child to the World of Technology

Parents are often not sure if introducing their children to technology, at a young age is a good idea. According to the U.S. Department of Education, technology can change the way children learn and develop and create an environment that promotes intellectual growth. This blog talks about 4 benefits of incorporating technology in your kid’s …

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red, yellow, green, and blue Lego® blocks

Lego® for Learning: 10 Ways to Use Lego® ® in the Classroom

Ever wondered what good a couple of eight-stud Lego® bricks can do? A lot more than you can think! To begin, six eight-stud Legos® can create more than 915 million different combinations. It means that there are millions of opportunities for your child to learn. According to UNICEF, play is a crucial element in your …

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The Importance of Learning Computer Science Skills for Young Children

Computer science is future-proof, they say, and we’d agree. With a world that’s moving toward robotics, artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, and space exploration, it’s no wonder that the field is burgeoning. It’s already being estimated, for example, that computer science graduates will have 17% higher chances of employment than the current average—and this is today. …

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The Evolution of COMPUCHILD

In the Beginning, COMPUCHILD was founded to meet a specific need…to get kids prepared for success at school. Upon entering elementary school, kids started using computers at school. Our founder realized that preschoolers were at a considerable advantage if they started working on computers prior to heading off to elementary school. Most families did not …

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STEM education has been in the news for quite some time, and has proven to help children become critical thinkers and problem solvers. More recently educators have added Art to the acronym, now STEAM. STEAM activities allow children to explore their surroundings and create solutions while learning Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. This integrated …

STEAM Cart Read More »


Pokémon GO – Privacy and Safety of Children

Pokémon GO! This little app, based on the huge franchise of video games, card games, and cartoons, has become insanely popular. The game appeals to a variety of ages. Parents with little ones, teens, pre-teens, adults. Everyone is going crazy for this game. Pokémon GO is an augmented reality game that requires an internet connection …

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